Current Mini-Series: Jesus in the Old Testament

What if we shared a vibrantly illustrated read-aloud online? Here.

Jesus on water

A turning-back-the-pages-of-history book to reveal every foreshadow, every allusion, every personification of Jesus throughout the Torah?

Lion of Judah

An interactive, (videos of a raging Jordan river, anyone? Animated timelines of Jesus’ genealogy?) unfolding of every Jesus moment before your moment?


Would you read it?

Well, here’s your chance. Every week that I write a new revelation of Jesus in the Old Testament, I’ll post it here. And just like all my other posts, I promise to keep it limited to less a than 1000 word dimension. Soon, we’ll have an entire chronicle of Crossing Jordan style stories, to help:

  • Build your faith
  • Offer opportunity to trust Him
  • And shine up that nameplate declaring you, “Righteous”

If you ever wished you could reap the rewards of seminary training in bite-sized chunks, this is for you.

If you crave a full-bodied cup of Jesus, but just a cup, this is for you.

Table of Contents:

Scarlet Cord

 Introduction: Jesus at Rahab’s House