Parking with Jesus {or 7 Words to Ponder}

I set to reading the book of Joshua. Again. I always come back to Jericho and the Jordan. Joshua and the Israelites. I guess that’s a good thing since long ago I titled this blog, “Crossing Jordan.” In a way I’m always crossing Jordan. Always probing or pondering Israelite themes like: Rejoicing in The Rescue.…

Do Something! {How to Live the Perfect Life p.FINAL}

Paul. A Pharisee. An Extra-Super-Holy Person {according to The Jesus Storybook Bible.} Every day he would stand out there in the middle of the street and pray out loud in a big Extra-Super-Holy Voice.  He really wasn’t praying so much as just showing off.  People walking by would stop and stare, which might sound rude…

Falling Out of Grace

I am a Christian cannibal. I eat my young in the name of “righteousness”. In other words, I snap at my children and bite their head off because, of course, I’m right and they’re wrong. I’m not the first mother to do this. Other parents have been munching on their offspring’s necks since greeting Noah…